This function ensures that you can place a color accent at a specific place within the layout, just like a light beam from a spotlight.
Shows the time when a action spot starts. The unit is displayed in milliseconds. 3,000ms = 3 sec. You can always adjust the starting position numerically.
Specifies the duration of the action. The unit is displayed in milliseconds. 3,000ms = 3 sec. You can always numerically adjust the duration.
With drones you can make a choice to which the action is applies. You can apply the action to all drones, then choose “all drones” or you can apply the action to one or more selected drones and then choose edit => select the drone => use selected drone
With this button you delete the action that you have placed in the timeline.
Blende mode
With blende mode you have different options to mix colors, an extra color on top of the basic color that is given from the start page.
The higher the number, the darker the color.
Gradiënt type
The spot runs from one corner to another corner.
The spot runs outward from the center of the layout.
Start position
Determine the starting position of the spot along the XYZ axis.
End position
Determine the stop position of the spot along the XYZ axis.
Decide here which color you want to use. You can enter a webcolor code via a # number. You can use the colors range or choose “custom color” for HSB or RGB colors.
Keyframe blend mode
Fade between gradiënts
Match and adapt time offsets
Cutt of after distance
Gradiënt shift
With a keyframe you can add a movement or application to your layout. On the basis of a start and end point, you can place this application on the timeline of your clip or scene and move it as desired. Between these two points the action (spot) will be active. *